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Sunday, August 31, 2008


1.15% of human body weight is comparised of minerals
15% of human body weight is comparised of minerals which are the catalysts for all major body functions. Vitamins cannot be utilized by the body without the correct proportion of minerals. Minerals help transport nutrients into cells. The blood and tissue fluid have to maintain the proper pH balance and minerals are responsible for keeping them from becoming too acidic or alkaline. Even a slight variance in the blood concentration of important chemicals can have a severe adverse effect. All minerals work synergistically with one another and help carry electrical current or nervous system message throughout the body. The proper balance of minerals in the body can make the difference between vitality and lack of wellbeing.

2 What we eat, how our food is prepared, and how or where it is grown all determine our mineral intake

Human life needs all the minerals to maintain healthy bodily functions. Real natural food grown under natural conditions carries 75 trace minerals. Our modern altered food growing methodology offers no food of such trace mineral quality anymore. On the contrary, our modern food is highly deficient in trace minerals and causes our society's conte,porary catastrophic health decline. Man interfered with the evolution of natural food and that influences his own evolution. Our planting fields are unable to offer a food chain of trace mineral quality. Sick plants,sick people !!

3. A new plague : mineral imbalance

Experts estimate that 90 % of us suffer from mineral imbalance and deficiency in some degree. If this includes you. whether because of frequent exercise, stress or a diet of overly refined, nutrient poor foods, your body will make futile attempts to correct the situation, usually resulting in food cravings, muscle cramps, and general fatigue.

4. Where have all the minerals gone ?

Many of the trace elements once abundant in our soil have been washed into the oceans. There, they are found in their proper proportions : the same basic proportions that are found in halthy bodies. In a few surviving inland seas, such as the Dead Lake Sea in Arabia and the Great Salt Lake in western North America.

in the other

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Anti Aging Foods by DAVID COWLEY

I am a firm believer that the first and foremost of any anti aging regiment should be working from the insides out. Researchers in search for the fountain of youth keep coming back to one fact: you are what you eat. What you eat has a tremendous impact not only on your health but also on your life span. Why would you put a nice fresh coat of paint on your house if it is infested with termites? It may look good for a short time but if the underlying foundation will not support it then it will not last long.

Anti-aging foods are known to give you better endurance, prolong your lifespan, obtain a better quality of sleep, feel vital and energetic, and they can promote a sense of calmness and well being. You get quite a few advantages when you consume anti-aging foods, and you should remember that anti-aging is not an illness in fact many healthcare professionals do not consider the aging process natural and than it can be avoided. 

Anti aging foods can reduce the effects of aging and in some cases ever reverse the damaged to your body caused by a stressful life style. Anti-aging foods can help all of the bodies' functions by giving blood formation a boost and helping to rebuild damaged tissues. 

Some of the more notable anti-aging foods are fish, avocado, berries, carrots, nuts, whole meal pasta as well as brown rice, and finally, drinking plenty of water to detoxify as well as keep the skin smooth. Including these anti-aging foods in your diet on a regular basis will soon show positive results. 

Fish oil contains omega 3 and fatty acids, which have been shown to stimulate the brain and increase memory and mental awareness. 

Avocado oil can also be used as a skin moisturizer. Keeping your skin properly moisturized is the best way to make sure it does not age prematurely. 

Blueberries and Blackberries contain a large quantity of antioxidants, which may help reduce the effect age related memory problems. They contain a chemical called anthocyanins which are very powerful antioxidants. 

Vitamin A deficiency may increase the risk of cancers of the lung, larynx, bladder, esophagus, stomach, colon, rectum and prostate. Carrots are a good source of natural Vitamin A. 

Phytosterols is found in flax seed and peanuts, which are suggested to help lower serum cholesterol. 

All of the different Vitamin Bs taken together as B-Complex work together as a team to perform vital biological processes, such as energy production and efficient metabolic function. Vitamin B boost energy levels and help fight fatigue. 

Bananas have long been recognized for their antacid effects that protect against stomach ulcers and ulcer damage. Bananas can help improve your body's ability to absorb calcium. Women eating bananas four to six times a week halved their risk of developing kidney cancer. 

Cranberry Juice may also help prevent kidney and bladder infections. If you are taking COUMADIN then check with your doctor before using cranberry. 

Studies of the Greenland Eskimos lack of heart attacks have show that Eico-Sapentaenoic Acid (EPA) lowers blood cholesterol considerably, even more than polyunsaturated fat does. It also triggers a major drop in triglycerides. Salmon Oil is one of the best known sources of natural EPA. 

Flavonoids are the brightly colored pigments found in most fruits and vegetables. When consumed, they have antioxidant properties and have been associated with improved lung junction. 

Eating 3 or more servings of fruit per day may lower you risk of age-related muscular degeneration, the primary cause of vision loss in older adults. 

Garlic can counteract the usual result of high fats in the diet and to help reduce high blood pressure. 

Green tea extract contains natural antioxidant compounds know as polyphenols useful in fighting tumors as well as helping prevent and treat rheumatoid arthritis. 

Oat Bran helps to regulate blood glucose levels, aids in lowering cholesterol, and helps in the removal of toxins. 

Rosemary stimulated blood circulation and the nervous system and enhances memory and concentration. The ancient Greeks called it the Herb of Memory and they wore a stalk in their hair to increase memory. 

A 2006 article in the Journal of American Medical Association suggested that by periodically restricting our caloric intake to as little as 890 calories a day, or fasting, resulted in a decrease in insulin levels and body temperatures, another two biomarkers of longevity. Restricting calories helps to eliminate the free radicals by burning off more calories than you take in thus reducing the amount of fat stored in the human body. Skipping a meal here and there from an evolutionary point of view would be beneficial. The human body is used to going days without eating anything but today we have constant access to food and we are taking in calories all day long. 

If you just feel that you need vitamins, supplements or herbs to fight the aging process then find a good health care professional prior to starting any type of home treatment. 

Always consult your doctor before using this information. 

This Article is nutritional in nature and is not to be construed as medical advice. 

David Cowley has created numerous articles on Anti Aging. He has also created a Web Site dedicated to Anti Aging and how to treat it. Visit Aging Treatment


Saturday, August 23, 2008

Experts Give Top 6 Anti-aging Breakthroughs

WebMD asked experts which new anti-aging developments work and which ones don’t. At the top of the list is the new Fractional CO2 laser skin resurfacing treatment. 

Many doctors are saying that the anti-aging breakthrough of the decade is a skin-resurfacing treatment known as CO2 fractional laser therapy. Combining the effectiveness of traditional carbon dioxide lasers -- long thought to be the gold standard in wrinkle removal -- with a new application technique, it delivers powerful results without the traditionally harsh side effects. 

Medical Director, Dr. Peter Mann offers this new technology at his all in one Aesthetic Surgery Center, Wellness Center and Medical Spa, Clinique Rejuvenation, and states that the advantage of this laser treatment is that the same amazing results are achieved as with laser resurfacing, but with much less downtime and possible complications. Clinique Rejuvenation has a staff of expert dermatologists, anti-aging physicians, health care practitioners, and San Diego cosmetic surgeon and plastic surgeons. 

While the combination of natural aging and exposure to sun and pollution, destroys collagen – which is essentially the main source of protein that keeps skin tight and smooth – laser resurfacing uses tiny beams of energy light to create microscopic holes in the skin. This stimulates the body’s natural collagen production, giving skin a more fresh and youthful appearance. With the new Fractional CO2 laser resurfacing treatment in San Diego, the same collagen production occurs, but in a way that prevents damage to the top layer of skin, offering maximum results with minimal recovery time. 

While San Diego laser resurfacing doesn’t come cheap, it is quick, and the effects are thought to last eight to 10 years. According to the American Society for Dermatologic Surgery, patients with darker complexions may be at risk for pigmentation loss as with any laser surgery. Common minor side effects for fractional laser resurfacing include redness and swelling that lasts about two days. For more information on the Fractional CO2 Laser, and the many services, including San Diego plastic surgery, dermatology, vascular surgery, and anti-aging and health spa, of Clinique Rejuvenation, visit


Anti Aging and Human Growth Hormone


Human Growth Hormone (HGH) is produced by the pituitary gland in the brain. The highest levels of HGH is produced during adolescence but between the ages of 21 and 30 the level of HGH being produced is markedly reduce by as much as 1.4 percent per year. By the age of 40 it can be down as much as 50 percent. 

Dr. Daniel Rudman, M.D., of the Medical College Of Wisconsin conducted research on the effects of HGH in 1991. He concluded that HGH could reduce body fat, increase muscle tone, boost your energy level, reduce wrinkle, improve sleep, improve sex drive, improve the immune system, lower cholesterol levels, and improve memory. 

There have been many research programs since then that have shown medical evidence that the decline of HGH is linked to many of the symptoms we associate with old age. Increased body fat, decreased energy, poor sex drive, decrease in muscle mass, poor functions of the immune system, loss of hair color, decreased skin elasticity, poor eyesight, loss of bone density, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and joint pain. Many believe that HGH can turn back the clock 10 to 20 years and that it is Cosmetic Surgery in a Bottle or the Fountain of Youth. 

Growth hormone or GH has been used for years as a valid medical treatment for certain growth hormone deficiencies in children. The term HGH, or human growth hormone, is a very common name is now being seen in marketing campaigns for anti aging products

Three organs in the human body mainly control the production of HGH. The pituitary gland in the brain, secrete the hormone into the blood stream. HGH travels to the liver, which is encouraged to product a hormone called Insulin-like Growth Factor. A majority of the beneficial effects of the HGH is actually due to the IGF acting on its target cells. The Insulin-like Growth Factor in the blood stream caused the pituitary to stop or reduce the output of HGH. 

The Hypothalamic is also a gland in the brain that produces a peptide that stimulates the synthesis and the secretion of the HGH by the pituitary gland. The Hypothalamic gland functions as the main control center of the autonomic nervous system and it controls the hormonal secretions of the pituitary gland. Somatostatin is a peptide produced by the Hypothalamic gland the inhibits the release of HGH by the pituitary. Usually in response to low blood glucose levels. 

The stomach secrets a hormone called Ghrelin and it potently stimulates the secretion of HGH. Ghrelin levels in the blood stream increase before meals and decrease after meals and is believed to be involved with feeling of hunger or satiation. If you eat a lot of small meals then the level of ghrelin in the blood stream is always low. 

It is a violation of Federal Law to sell any product that contains natural HGH without a prescription. So what are you getting when you purchase a product that has HGH on the label? HGH releasers, HGH precursors, HGH secretagogues, contain nothing more than amino acid supplements and are just trying to capitalize on the popularity of HGH at highly inflated prices and they do not contain any Human Growth Hormone. 

Growth hormone is currently approved and marketed for enhancing milk production in dairy cattle. Administration of bovine somatotropin to lactating cows results in increased milk yield. However, this treatment engenders abundant controversy among dairy farmers. Drinking milk from cattle treated with bovine growth hormone does not pose a risk to human health

Another application of growth hormone in animal agriculture is treatment of growing pigs with porcine growth hormone. Such treatment has been demonstrated to significantly stimulate muscle growth and reduce deposition of fat. 

Many products claim to have the ability to raise a person's levels of HGH naturally. These claims have not been proven scientifically. Anti aging HGH replacements should be taken seriously however, as they do have the potential to cause side effects. 

The reported side effects of HGH include an increase in blood pressure, fluid retention, carpal tunnel syndrome, insulin resistance, diabetes, and joint pain. Although anti aging HGH seems to have some benefits, consumers must be wary to research the actual degree of the benefits and weigh that against the potential side effects. 

If you just feel that you need vitamins, supplements or herbs to fight the aging process then find a good health care professional prior to starting any type of home treatment. 

Always consult your doctor before using this information. 

This Article is nutritional in nature and is not to be construed as medical advice. 

David Cowley has created numerous articles on Anti Aging. He has also created a Web Site dedicated to Anti Aging and how to treat it. Visit Aging Treatment 

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