15% of human body weight is comparised of minerals which are the catalysts for all major body functions. Vitamins cannot be utilized by the body without the correct proportion of minerals. Minerals help transport nutrients into cells. The blood and tissue fluid have to maintain the proper pH balance and minerals are responsible for keeping them from becoming too acidic or alkaline. Even a slight variance in the blood concentration of important chemicals can have a severe adverse effect. All minerals work synergistically with one another and help carry electrical current or nervous system message throughout the body. The proper balance of minerals in the body can make the difference between vitality and lack of wellbeing.
2 What we eat, how our food is prepared, and how or where it is grown all determine our mineral intake
Human life needs all the minerals to maintain healthy bodily functions. Real natural food grown under natural conditions carries 75 trace minerals. Our modern altered food growing methodology offers no food of such trace mineral quality anymore. On the contrary, our modern food is highly deficient in trace minerals and causes our society's conte,porary catastrophic health decline. Man interfered with the evolution of natural food and that influences his own evolution. Our planting fields are unable to offer a food chain of trace mineral quality. Sick plants,sick people !!
3. A new plague : mineral imbalance
4. Where have all the minerals gone ?
Many of the trace elements once abundant in our soil have been washed into the oceans. There, they are found in their proper proportions : the same basic proportions that are found in halthy bodies. In a few surviving inland seas, such as the Dead Lake Sea in Arabia and the Great Salt Lake in western North America.
in the other
At August 3, 2009 at 1:08 PM , Nishant said...
yes you are right..
Work from home
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